When you buy a sticker from The Paws Project, you’re making a difference in the community. I was able to donate $50 from selling stickers to the Mobile SPCA. Thank you for supporting The Paws Project!

Calendar of Events
​Follow me on Instagram for current events!
Volunteer Opportunities
Save A Stray is looking for volunteers and fosters.
Mobile SPCA- PetSmart Cat Cleaners Needed. We are looking for people who will volunteer at PetSmart for about one hour every week. We are seeking dependable volunteers to feed and water the kitties and clean their kennels. Once you learn the routine we feel that it will take around an hour to complete your tasks. Of course you are free to stop and cuddle the kitties as long as you would like while you are there working. Lots of purring and kitty head-butts are some of the perks of this job! If you are dependable and feel you can dedicate an hour or so one day a week to this task please email Jody (jody@mobilespca.org) if you are interested.
Mobile Animal Shelter: Why not get active while also volunteering? Animals at our shelter need regular exercise and affection, just like we do! We love it when volunteers help walk our dogs! Your efforts help them with socialization, which is critical in getting them adopted. 251-574-3647
Urgent needs:
Clay cat litter
Bungee cords
Plastic cat balls
Washable dog toys
Washable cat toys
6' Folding tables
Crate clips
Sam's Gift Cards
Walmart Gift Cards
Dog Houses
Cat Traps
Crinkle Cat Toys
My bracelets!
For every bracelet sold, 50% is donated to a local animal shelter in Mobile, AL.
Tip of the month